Our parish is looking for volunteers to help form a Respect Life Ministry.
If you are interested in leading this ministry or being part of this ministry, contact Yesenia Hernandez
Volunteers Needed
Another way to serve the Lord is by the giving of your time! We are in need of Ushers, Laundering of Altar Linens, and Money Counters.
Volunteers for Charity & Development Appeal Campaign 2025
We are looking for help to lead and organize the CDA campaign.
Please contact Yesenia Hernandez at or Lisa Freidhof at
Upcoming Events
Apostoles de la Palabra
Los Lunes, 7:00-8:30pm en los salones 7 y 8
Consecratio Mundi
Te invita a ti, y a tu familia a rezar el santo rosario biblico. Unte a nuestro Nucleo Trinitario. Por favor llame 480-335-4695 para más informes.
Mother Mary's Army
Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm in parish hall
Women's Circle Meeting
Thursdays, 9:30-11:00am in room 5/6
Abundant Grace Womens Advent Study
Fridays during Advent, 7:00-8:00pm in Room 5